We are EXCITED about your decision... now what?

Hello Grown-ups!

Congratulations! We're thrilled to celebrate with you as your child has made the wonderful decision to give their life to Christ. This is an incredibly exciting moment in their Christian journey, and we're honored to walk alongside them.

As your child takes this step of faith, we want to share with you the next exciting milestone: baptism. Baptism is a beautiful symbol of their decision to follow Jesus, publicly declaring their faith and commitment to Him. It's a powerful step in their spiritual growth journey.

To help you and your child understand more about baptism, you can watch the video below as it helps explains its significance. Additionally, if your child is ready to take the next step and be baptized, we invite you to sign them up using the link provided. Baptisms will be held next week, on April 7th at 10am. Upon baptism, your child will receive a kid appropriate Bible that they can read as they begin their Christian walk.

We're here to support you every step of the way, and we're thrilled to see how God is working in the lives of our Harvest Kids. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can called the office Monday - Thursday from 9am - 3pm at 918-245-0193, or email me at caleb@harvestchurchok.org.

Caleb Judy

Next Gen Pastor

Sign Up for baptism here